(785) 440-4000   3200 SW Huntoon  |  Topeka, KS 66614

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Practice Areas

Cavanaugh, Biggs & Lemon offers a broad spectrum of legal services. From Appellate and Administrative Litigation to Worker's Compensation, we are here to serve our clients with legal counsel.

To learn more, click a practice area title below. For more information about an individual attorney, click on his name.

The firm represents persons injured by negligent automobile operators.

The firm represents the families of those killed as the result of someone’s negligence.

The firm represents people hurt or killed in a motorcycle collision.

Public law that deals with crimes and their prosecution. This area of law is usually governed by statute or ordinance.

Person against whom a civil or criminal proceeding is begun.

The law that requires payment to an injured worker for injuries which occurred in the course of employment. Payment can be for present, past and future disability, wage replacement, and past, present and future medical bills, among other things. 

The firm represents individuals charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (DUI) and related criminal charges.

The area of law that provides assistance in the preparation and presentation of a lawsuit or other resort to the courts to determine a legal question or matter in "business" situations. Business can be any activity or enterprise entered into for profit, usually a company, a corporation, partnership, or any such formal organization.

Civil Litigation is a legal dispute between two or more parties that seek money damages or specific performance rather than criminal sanctions.
The firm represents parties in trials, hearings, arbitrations and mediations before administrative agencies, foreign tribunals and federal, state and local courts.

The area of law focusing on the legal methods of obtaining an official charter or articles of incorporation from the state for an organization, which may be a profit-making business, a professional business such as a law office or medical office or a non-profit entity which operates for charitable, social, religious, civic or other public service purposes and the legal ramifications of such an organization.

The area of law that deals with planning for the inevitability of death, such as obtaining life insurance to pay for the costs of a funeral, preparing a simple Will, and other preparations. More comprehensive planning, such as preparing a more complex Will, Trust, and related estate planning documents may also be needed. It depends on the size of your estate and how comprehensive your needs are.

The area of law dealing with the validity of wills, administration of estates and sometimes over the affairs of minors and persons adjudged incompetent.

The area of law that creates a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another's property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property.


Representation of law enforcement officers in labor disputes, disciplinary actions and civil lawsuits involving incidents which occur in the line of duty. Representation at shooting or accident review boards and in criminal courts if any matter results in criminal charges.

The firm represents and defends professionals, including doctors and lawyers, in administrative proceedings regarding professional licensing
and disciplinary matters.


Property is commonly thought of as a thing which belongs to someone and over which a person has total control. But, legally, it is more properly defined as a collection of legal rights over a thing. These rights are usually total and fully enforceable by the state or the owner against others. It has been said that "property and law were born and die together. Before laws were made there was no property. Take away laws and property ceases." before laws were written and enforced, property had no relevance. Possession was all that mattered.

There are many classifications of property, the most common being between real property or immoveable property (real estate such as land or buildings) and "chattel", or "moveable" (things which are not attached to the land such as a bicycle, a car or a hammer) and between public (property belonging to everybody or to the state) and private property.

The firm represents persons injured by the negligence of others including negligent automobile operators and property owners in Kansas and Missouri..

The firm represents teachers in due process hearings, and other matters arising from the teacher's employment.

Legal issues affecting the construction industry can cover areas as diverse as: Mechanics Liens; Surety Bond Claims, Payment Disputes; Contract Preparation; Negotiation and Dispute Resolution; Bid Protests; Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation of Disputes; Licensing, Professional Liability, and other areas. Our clients include owners, architects and engineers, general contractors and subcontractors, material suppliers, and other players in the construction area.

Our attorneys have handled a multi-million dollar litigation, transactions and arbitrations, as well as provide services for startup and smaller construction projects. Our construction attorneys have experience at all levels of State and Federal Court and the Courts of Appeals, as well as the government administrative processes.

The firm aggressively pursues and defends appeals including appeals to the Kansas Court of Appeals, the Kansas Supreme Court, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and appeals from administrative agencies.

The firm represents property owners and landlords in need of legal assistance regarding rental properties.

Legal issues affecting families.

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